The Swayze Truth

Danielle Swayze writes
"If my Uncle were still here he would be mortified at how his "wife" has treated my family and I in just the 4 short years after he died. Lisa Haapaniemi never visit my grandmother, Patsy, except to take her to lunch, wanting to put her in a 'home' and to sell the house that PATRICK bought for her and his younger brother & family. After 30+ years of marriage, she ONLY took her husband's last name AFTER he died...She has taken the Swayze name only to profit from it and get more book sales on that GOD AWFUL "All about me" crap she wrote, which included very private pictures of my Uncle in his final weeks...just to keep as many "Swayze fans" as she can on her side just to squeeze more money out of them... Lisa REFUSED my family even the smallest of momento... a cowboy hat, a pair of boots, a pocket knife... absolutely NOTHING for his brothers or even his own MOTHER, the woman in which, Lisa would be absolutely nothing if it weren't for her. Yet Lisa has the audacity to take pictures of all his belongings to "donate and sell."She refused to pay a single penny for Granny's hospice care and/or funeral costs forcing myself to take direct action and raise Donations to bury the mother-in-law she claims deep "love and respect" for. She publicly called me a liar stating "All costs have been covered for Patsy's final expenses"... that was a flat out LIE on her part, she has BANNED every single family member from her Facebook page because we call her out on her LIES and DECEIT. She showed up at Patsy's funeral with her boyfriend who was driving my DEAD Uncle's favorite truck... she only appears for "Cancer Research Funding Events" because SHE GETS PAID TO! Ya know, one of the very last things my Uncle told my father in his final weeks was "This whole thing with Lisa is going to be bad when I'm gone...." Now what do you think he meant by that...??? Gosh... and this is ONLY 4 years worth of pain and suffering... there is much more that happened in just a few weeks but out of respect and the privacy of my family, I dare not say.... any questions? Feel free to go ask Princess Lisa... This woman makes me physically ill, if she even classifies as a 'woman'.
<<<Using fans for money, yeah... I wen't there"

"I always knew she was cold and distant, something about her just gave you an uneasy feeling when she entered the room, but I NEVER saw any of this coming!" Says 25 year old niece to Swayze and Niemi. (as seen together in the picture below)

As Patrick fans, you should ask yourselves this... Did she ever love Patrick and his family? Did she marry into the family with ill intent from the very beginning? Why would Patrick Swayze's widow claim eternal love for this man without respecting his family at all? Is Lisa Niemi really the poor widow she has led us all on to be?